Sunday 18 August 2013

Drinking Horns for Carving, etc.

My latest batch of drinking horns are in. I'm showing a sampling of each size and type so one can get an idea.

I've been getting requests for bigger horns as well as the usual ones I sell. These horns all are polished on the outside with a food-grade varnish (same as for salad bowls). Inside, I scrub with a bottle brush and warm, soapy water, rinse and then disinfect with denture cleaning tablets. The larger horns get an initial scrubbing inside with sand from the creek (sloshing it back and forth).

Once dry, I coat them inside with melted beeswax unless someone wants it for hot liquids, in which case I coat with the varnish or leave uncoated, according to customer wishes.

Then, I can carve runes, symbols, norse art, etc. At least one of the big ones will get a rim treatment. I'll also make stands, straps and belt holsters for them.

So, here are the sample pix before they get any art or accessories (click on them to make them big);

Starting with the small ones (6-8")...

viking 'shot' glasses

We move to the medium (13-15") drinking horns. The tan coloured one is actually translucent and would make a good lantern.

Now for the big ones (30-35")...thirsty?

 And I have some with brass finial and rim.

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