Tuesday 13 December 2016

Where was I?.....

So, I've not posted anything since November 2013 but it is not because I have not been doing anything art-wise. I'll tell you what happened...Facebook happened, in a big way. I found it easier and quicker to just post pictures of what I've been doing on FB. Also, I pulled up stakes, retired and moved to a new community and resettled into a new life. So this blog got neglected.

I have completed a few projects while retired, which have yet to be posted but I have also been working on my deck, maintenance around the house - and then - out of retirement working at the hospital in my old profession.

And this blog, which is about the stories behind my artwork and craftwork is about to get more postings as well - but no promises as to when....

Yeah, I'll be busy and it will take time.

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