Sunday 21 August 2011

Camping, Norse Style and Ragnar's Stone Update

July 29th to August 7th was a wonderful vacation, camping with my good friend, Rurik, sometimes in norse costume, sometimes not but always in norse tents.
It kicked off at the SCA event called, Tournament of Armies, which I was originally going to merchant at, but decided to just relax and hang out and carve my new tent frame. Then we packed up on the Monday, replenished supplies and set up at Sons of Norway in Hatzic.

I had borrowed RF's group norse tent, the frame for which I had made and carved when the group originally formed, so I would have a norse tent to camp out in. And what an ordeal to borrow the tent! I had to agree to terms and conditions relating to a non-existent loan policy where one has to get approval from the executive of the society.
As a side note, at our August meeting I bought the tent, not that I wanted to as I was opposed to the group selling it (I put a lot of work and creative energy into making the frame for the group - not to be sold off to someone who would end up with my artwork for free). So I put my name in the hat to buy it and won. Now it is mine. Rant over.

Anyway, it turned out that I forgot my carving irons so couldn't carve my new tent frame after all!!
So, we used it as a spare tent and that worked out really well as Gala was able to use it at Tournaments, and Rurik used it at Hatzic (we used his as a kitchen tent as it was the biggest).

Ragnar's Stone Update:
Rurik and I prepped the stone for painting. We scrubbed it and cleared the weeds around it, then I chalked the design on while Rurik worked on his shield. We gathered large rocks to paint the rune of the first initial of the people who helped with the raising of the stone. (Rurik saw a face in one of the rocks so it became Grendel, the troll rock.) Then the design was painted on. I think I gave a pint of blood to the mosquitos. ;) Then we placed the rocks and added more gravel and there you have it!

Photo: Martin Naske

But the job took way less time to complete than I thought so I ended up having a couple of days to just relax. The Sons of Norway were holding their annual Heritage Camp that week so I was able to wander around and see the activities going on.

Midsummer @ SCC

June 17-19 was the date of the Scandinavian Centre's Midsummer event. Reik Félag has been putting on the viking village historical interpretive program for years now.

This year, I was not too involved with the village program as I paid for a table to be a crafter/vendor. I dressed in costume and was selling drinking horns, blowing horns, and all manner of bone and horn items. Although it was very lucrative, I'm not sure I'll do it again next year. Perhaps every other year or something.

Oak log Splitting

Some of the Sons of the North got together in June to split an oak log using traditional (ie viking) techiques as an experimental archeology project. Yngvald made wedges and as these blew apart, he made more wedges. We could have used more metal wedges and axes but we did the best with what we had.
We managed to get it split in quarters. It was hot and tiring work and we got half of it loaded in my truck, drove it to my place and unloaded where I can pick away at my leisure. I'm not sure about the rest of it but I assume Yngvald will pick away as well.
What to do with all that oak? Well, that depends on how I can finish the rough pieces into planks, beams, etc. Sounds like more experimental archeology in the works.

Photo: Lyle Reid
Photo: Lyle Reid

Photo: Lyle Reid
Photo: Lyle Reid
Photo: Lyle Reid

Dark Ages Art Exhibit

This is an art exhibit that Tyra and I are co-curating. It is all about the 'applied art' concept, where everyday objects were ornamented to enhance their look or desirablity, but the function remains unchanged. For example, a comb is still a comb, with or without the art. It does not need the art to make it a comb. The exhibit is to showcase local artists whose art and craft is reproducing, or inspired by, actual historical examples from the Dark Ages. We could have made it encompass only the Viking Age but wanted to be more inclusive to some of the good art and craftsmanship out there, so we expanded the scope of the project.
Media includes bone, horn, metal, wood, soapstone, embroidery, card-weaving, manuscript illuminations and others. Our first exhibit date and venue was June 4th at the MSA museum in Abbotsford. A Call to Artists went out to RF members, SCA people and others who do exquisite work in that genre but by time we had our ducks in a row, so to speak, we ended up only giving a month's notice which, admittedly, is not much time.
The exhibit was happening at the same time as an event put on by the Optimist's Society of Abbotsford where RF was invited to put on a viking village demo. I'm not sure how many saw the exhibit but I got some feedback that it was good.
The day after, we had a venue at the Abbotsford Recreation Centre which I was unable to attend due to a confict in my schedule. Anyway, Tyra told me she had it all under control.
Anyway, we are working towards more venues and dates in the fall and winter.

Friday 19 August 2011

Spring Equinox Party

I normally hold bonfire parties at winter solstices but conflicts have developed over the last couple of years so I thought, why not at the equinoxes? Spring would also give me a chance to showcase the Hytte (the cedar shed with the viking theme). It was better attended than the soltice bonfires have been, with the exception of my first one, primarilly, I think, due to the time of year and the weather.
The event was held March 20th. There were some people that I dearly wanted to be there who did not show because of various reasons but in all, the event went well. And the feedback I got was that people had a good time and some were impressed with the hytte (it was all decked out in shields, hides, etc.)

Here are a couple pix;

In the Hytte
Around the campfire
The moon was in full and was supposed to be the closest (and therefor biggest) it has been in, well I forgot the details. The photos just don't do it justice so I didn't post the pix of it.

Raising Ragnar's Stone

In March, some of the members of the Sons of the North and Sons of Norway got together to raise a memorial stone for our fallen friend who went by the norse name of Ragnar Eriksen. He died recently and we thought this would be a fitting memorial. Also, as it is on Sons of Norway (SON) property, we thought that those in SON could think of this stone as a memorial to a lost friend or relative. So, dual purpose.

The photos are here;

The next steps would be to paint the design, hold a dedication ceremony and possibly, carve the design in the stone. I'm looking after creating the design and enscribing it with paint at a later date. Then, the dedication ceremony after that. I have no skill in carving granite so I may see if someone else wants to take on that task, or we leave it painted and just do touch ups if needed.

Nordic Art & Photography Show

February 26th, 27th at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre in Burnaby, BC

I participated in this show with four of my best art pieces (Valhalla Drinking horn, Oseberg Drinking horn, carved wooden spoon and soapstone oil lamp). Cost of the table was reasonable and I sold my soapstone lamp.

The evening of the 26th I and a few other Reik Félag members put on presentations on viking culture and craft. Mine was on viking artforms and styles. We had a fairly good turnout despite the snowstorm. I'm working on making the powerpoint presentation a self-running presentation or video and plan to upload it here.

Wednesday 17 August 2011


So, what have I been up to prior to creating this blog site?
Let's go back in time, at least for the last few years;

Rebuilt cedar shed but with a Norse theme (it was Rurik's idea) so we can hold Sons of the North meetings in it. Had considerable help from Rurik, Murchad, Olfuss, and Aslak (BTW I will only be using the Norse names of my friends for security reasons).

Door hinges shaped as dragon heads

Commemoration board for all who helped. Ravens on each end, Odin in the middle, and left to right, Olfuss, Aslak, Ulf, Rurik, Murchad. Carved and inked.

My Odin pole I carved guards the Hytte.
In November-December was a vendor at Scandinavian Centre's Christmas Craft fair. Sold nothing.

Built workshop using a 20' steel shipping container. This was a great improvement as now I can work year-round on some crafts.
Merchanted at an SCA event called, "Odin's Playground"

Merchanted at a Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) event called, "12th Night". Was sick as a dog on the Sunday

Blew out my knee which put a huge damper on my creative efforts.