Sunday 15 April 2012

Raven Shield

This post is long overdue. When making the Purely Decorative Shield (see earlier) I had some of the material leftover for another shield.

This time, I made the shield to be used. I wanted to put a cloth or leather facing on it - decided on some canvas I had kicking around so once the shield planks were glued together, the round shape and the inner round hole cut out, the handle added, I was ready to add the cloth.

First, I mixed some white glue with water to make a medium to soak the cloth and infuse it with glue, then spread glue on the shield face. I wanted it to be ready to go once I did the next step.
Second, spread the cloth on the face of the shield, and with a paintbrush, dabbed and squooshed the water-glue mix into the cloth.
Third, using little brad nails I stretched the cloth across the shield, holding in place with the brads.
Let dry, trim the cloth, remove the brads.
While I was waiting for the cloth to dry I dished a dollar store stainless steel bowl into a boss.
Add the boss, a leather edging and paint the raven design onto the cloth and...well, take a look...

I'm not sure of how long it took to make in total. I really should learn to document the process better with pictures and time to make. I was toying with the idea of adding more decoration like knotwork, runes, etc. But I like it as is, and it serves as a white shield of peace and the two ravens can represent Odin's ravens, Hugin and Munin.

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